The Tower Spread

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I post one card daily after praying and tuning-in to the current world energies. Although, it will not always be a Tarot card, today it was, in my opinion, thee most feared card in the Tarot. But! The Tower is a Major Arcana card, and that comes with a big guarantee– things a’gonna change, honey!

Without going too much (yet!) into the major global energetic shifts and subsequent ‘Tower’ energy we’re all feeling and becoming increasingly more aware of on some level, instead, allow me to bring it on home to your dens and bedrooms or quiet patches of grass in the backyard, wherever you can get a moment to yourself, find that place tonight and give this spread a try. What have you got to lose? A lot! And it’s all going with good reason. This spread allows you to see exactly what you’re working with and here’s what I love about it– you get to choose what cards to keep and what cards are no longer serving YOU.

You don’t have cards you say? Here are some resources for free printable Tarot decks. As always, I would love to hear about your experience in the comments section below.

Now, take a breath and shuffle.

Card 1: This is the lightning bolt, the illumination, the sudden realization, the trauma, or the cause, and your initial reaction. Pay attention to the facial expression and the body language of the figures in this card. If there are none, what are the colors, what does the landscape look like? What is the tone?towerspread

Card 2: This represents the foundation you have built upon. These are the roots that have been suddenly bared and now is a perfect opportunity to examine them. Did you build on sand or stone? This card represents what it was, and what it could be.

Cards 3-7: These last cards represent the pieces falling around you that went into the building of this structure. These are the blocks, the broken watch parts, that were running smoothly, (or were at least running), and are now divided and altered. Look at these pieces, now separate from each other, and sort the useful from that which no longer serves you. What would you like to keep? What will you discard? What might be kept, but in a modified form?

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